Struggle Against Apartheid

Concept Explanation

Struggle Against Apartheid

Struggle Against Apartheid: Apartheid was the name of a system of racial discrimination unique to South Africa. It was imposed by the white Europeans on the blacks

Black and White Natives: During the 17th and 18th centuries, the trading companies from Europe occupied South Africa with arms and torce in the same way they occupied India, Bur unlike India, a large number of whites settled in South Africa and became the local rulers.Due to this settlement of whites, the system of apartheid divided the people on the basis of their skin colour. The native 'black' people made up about three-fourth of the population. Besides these two classes, there were coloured people (mixed races) ond migrated Indians.

Discrimination Against Non-whites: The white rulers treated all non-whites as inferiors. Slowly, the apartheid system started oppressing blacks. In this system, the non-whites did not have voting rights and they were forbidden from living in white areas. The non-whites could work in white areas only if they had a permit. Trains, buses, taxis, hotels, hospitals, schools, colleges, libraries, cinema halls, theatres, beaches, swimming pools, public toilets, ete were all separate for the whites and blacks. This was known as segregation. Blacks could not enter a church where the whites worshipped and even they did not have the right to form associations or protest against the whites.

Formation of African National Congress: Starting in 1950, the blacks, coloured and Indians fought against the apartheid system. They launched protest marches and strikes. The African National Congress (ANC) led the movement. Many workers' unions, the Communist Party and sensitive whites joined the ANC to oppose apartheid. Apartheid was declared unjust and racist by several countries. But still the white racist government ruled South Africa by suppressing and killing thousands of black and coloured people.


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